Lights & Music First Book

  • $81.00
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A double sided flashing book for multiple development stages! 10 colourful lights flash in sequence and encourage baby to track and follow light faces as they twinkle along! Design patent. Newborn baby – place the book near his head while he is lying on his back in crib or stroller. Young babies are particularly attracted to simple geometrical and high contrast drawings, as on the black, white & red side of the book. Turn on the book on one of the modes, and watch how your baby begins to track the lights that flash one after the other. This will strengthen basic muscle control and visual focusing. Tummy time training – around 3 months old, place the colour side of the book in front of your baby. The lights & music will encourage him to lift his head, strengthening head, neck and shoulders as well as stimulating sight and hearing. You will also notice that he stretches out to touch the book developing eye-hand coordination. Sensory development – encourage your baby to touch the different textures on the book and describe his actions in terms like soft/rough, nice and crinkly. Your baby will develop his fine motor skills and learn to understand the connection between the words and the tactile sensation. Point to each page and say the name of the depicted season. Connect the visual images to the season and sensations like Summer = hot, sun, beach; or tell a short story about the season. Use terms such as book and page to strengthen the positive experience and promote reading in the future.

Package Content

1 x Lights & Music First Book
